1826 Capped Bust Half Dollars
Design Design Type 5 1825-1831 and Design Type 6 1826-1830
Mintage: 4,004,180
Overton Numbers and Rarities:
O-101 (R1) 101a (R2)
O-102 (R1)
O-103 (R5-)
O-104 (R3) O-104a (R3)
O-105 (R3)
O-106 (R3) O-106a (R3)
O-107 (R3)
O-108 (R1) O-108a (R1)
O-109 (R1)
O-110 (R2)
O-111 (R2)
O-112 (R4+?) O-112a (R2)
O-113 (R3) O-113a (R3)
O-114 (R4+)
O-115 (R5-)
O-116 (R1) O-116a (R1)
O-117 (R2) O-117a (R2)
O-118 (R1) O-118a (R1)
O-119 (R4-)
O-120 (R4-) O-120a (R4-)
Redbook Varieties:
During 1826, Kneass made some further changes to the obverse central device on the master die. Raised and thickened some of the hair detail. The clothing folds were modified slightly. Most noticeably, the chin was modified, giving it a taller appearance. These changes were done to some but not all of the obverse dies from the year. This master die was used to make some, but not all, hubs through 1830, resulting in some differences in the portrait in all those years, as the older master die was also used.
1826 was the last year that Capped Bust Half Dollars were the only silver coinage issued by the mint.
O-112 is the OFAMERICA variety, with those words crowded together.
Important Historical Events of 1826
1st US Railroad chartered, Granite Railway in Quincy, Mass
Samuel Morey is issued the first U.S. patent for an internal-combustion engine, which he calls a “Gas or Vapour Engine"
USS Vincennes leaves NY to become 1st warship to circumnavigate globe