1806 O-102 6 over 5 R3+ Draped Bust Half Dollar
Obverse 1
Reverse B (Third Marriage)
Reverse B (Third Marriage)
Though slightly less common than the O-101, this marriage does boast a single MS63. There are a group of AU58's then the remaining examples are XF or lower. This uses the same obverse as O-101 making the overdate once again difficult to see. There is a very rare late die state where the reverse die develops many cracks.

1806/5, O-102, Draped Bust, Half Dollar

1806/5, O-102, Draped Bust, Half Dollar
Variety Attribution: Obverse-1806 over 5. Stars are large and star 12 is recut with a broken point near highest point of star 13. Date is 9 mm. with 06 very close and 0 recut. Top of 5 visible near top of 6. Most specimens show a die crack from edge above Y to top of T and from edge above L to star 7. Star 13 joined to bust.
Reverse-6 berries with the lowest berry above branch, a tiny one without stem. It may not be visible on some in this marriage, due to clashed dies at that point. Point of leaf midway between IC. A bold line right from upper corner of shield. AME joined solidly at bases. Late die state has a die crack from right top of N throug tops of ITE and to edge above D with a chip above D and numerous other breaks.
1806 Leaman-Gunnet Emission Sequence Number for O-102: 6
Top five condition census coins from last 10 years of auction and sale records :
08/10 B&M (Rarities-Boston) PCGS MS63
08/11 Downey FPL (ANA-Solomon) PCGS AU58
05/08 Heritage (Long Beach) PCGS AU58
02/08 Stack's (Uhrich-Baltimore) NGC AU58
01/08 Heritage (FUN-Orlando) NGC AU58